The name Sawanotsuru, meaning "crane of the swamp," comes from Japanese mythology. After Princess Yamatohime-no-mikoto (倭姫命) moved the shrine of the sun goddess to its present location at Ise, she came across a white crane in a swamp. The crane held a sheaf of rice in its beak and presented it to the princess. The princess bid the god Isawatominokami (伊佐波登美神) to brew sake from the rice and offer it to the sun goddess. She then declared the crane to be Ōtoshinokami (大歳神), God of Grains, establishing the Izawanomiya Shrine (伊雑宮) for it, as a sub-shrine of Ise Shrine.
According to the brewery's website, in addition to this story, the image of a crane in a swamp is also meant to evoke a world wet, sun-lit, and rich with life, where the crane rests before taking flight again.